The Guide for the Inclusion of Artists and Culture Professionals with a Migration Background aims to improve the way in which arts and culture organisations and actors engage with artists who have moved to a destination from abroad. It is a practical tool aimed at cultural organisations and institutions, whichever field of culture or geographical area they cover that will allow organisations and individuals to better engage with this underrepresented group and tap into and benefit from their hidden talents while contributing to a more inclusive society.
AAA (Access, Advocacy and Active Inclusion - Pathways to Increasing Diversity in the Arts and Culture Field) seeks to enable the European arts and culture sector to change their practices towards artists and culture professionals with a migration background by elevating inclusive practices, equality and non-discrimination in organisational transformation.
AAA promotes cultural diversity across the arts and culture, striving to build a creative sector that genuinely reflects Europe’s cultural richness. It aims to research and advance the conditions necessary for culturally and linguistically diverse artists to engage at all levels of the creative sector, including leadership, content creation, audience engagement, representation, and participation.
The guide reflects the learnings and takeaways from study visits in Helsinki, Paris and Copenhagen that were organised in the context of the AAA project. It also suggests a series of instrumental questions any arts and culture player should have in mind when embarking on a journey to improve their relationships with artists and culture professionals with a migration background. In addition to the guide, the partners of the project, IMMART, Globe Art Point and FACE, are prototyping both a transnational inclusion training module for cultural leaders and industry gatekeepers and a mentoring programme targeting artists and culture professionals with a migration background.