AAA (Access, Advocacy and Active Inclusion - Pathways to Increasing Diversity in the Arts and Culture Field) seeks to enable the European arts and culture sector to change their practices towards migrant artists and cultural workers, by elevating inclusive practises, equality and non-discrimination in organisational transformation. AAA achieves this by increasing the quality of adult and lifelong learning education, through the research and design of guidance material and training/mentoring pathways for artists and cultural actors at the local, national and transnational level.
There will be a series of study visits in Denmark, France and Finland that will feed the process for the creation of blueprints prototyping learning materials, training modules, a mentorship program and a digital guide for the inclusions of artists and culture professionals with migration backgrounds. The design and prototyping of these results will be produced through a creative design methodology including in-depth evaluation, live-testing in person and online and re-design.
Together with IMMART and Globe Art Point, FACE will improve their knowledge and skills to the benefit of their organisations and constituents; provide a prototype of a transnational Inclusion training module for cultural leaders and gatekeepers to the industry; a digital guide for the inclusion of artists and culture professionals with migration backgrounds as a learning tool to improve how arts and culture organisations and actors engage with this underrepresented group; a prototype of a mentoring programme for migrant artists.