FACE is a platform promoting international cooperation and fresh practices in the performing arts.

Next Activities

01/09/2023 - 31/08/2025
01/01/2024 - 31/08/2027
24/01/2025 - 25/01/2025
Paris, France

Recent publications

Learning Trajectories publications are intended as a resource to help live art workers to broaden their thinking, practises and networks beyond national borders.

The Guide for the Inclusion of Artists and Culture Professionals with a Migration Background aims to improve the way in which arts and culture organisations and actors engage with artists who have moved to a destination from abroad. It is a practical tool aimed at cultural organisations and institutions, whichever field of culture or geographical area they cover that will allow organisations and individuals to better engage with this underrepresented group and tap into and benefit from their hidden talents while contributing to a more inclusive society.

The SHIFT Eco-Guidelines for Networks recognise and address the ecological footprint associated with operating international cultural network-organisations.

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